Rehabilitation program, based on
therapeutic community, free.

Drug Rehab: Take back control of your life

It takes time, patience, and hard work, but you can do it - you can overcome your drug addiction problems.
Only you can do it, but you can’t do it alone.

At Portage, you will be surrounded by a community of people with the same goal as you, and you will help each other make it through.

Portage: “Finding a pathway around an
obstacle in order to continue the journey”

POR-012 Bannières 1080x1350 Jeunes ANG



The Addiction Traps campaign highlights how quickly, easily and cruelly addiction can lead to isolation, and features a youth who is unable to escape from the vicious circle of addiction. Whether it’s to foster a discussion on the topic or indicate how to get help quickly, the campaign provides information on how Portage can help youth free themselves from their addiction.



Généreuse donation d’Opération Enfant Soleil

Generous contribution from Opération Enfant Soleil

Opération Enfant Soleil's generous contribution of $9,049 through "Fonds sport et santé durable" made it possible for our young, vulnerable clientele to benefit from a step machine, a new coveted...

Women and Addiction Symposium, Transforming Words into Action

On April 10 & 11, Portage proudly hosted its second symposium: "Women and Addiction" in Moncton, New Brunswick. The symposium, held with the overarching goal of eliminating barriers to meaningful...

An invitation to théâtre Jean-Duceppe

Picture credit : Thanks to Hydro-Québec's generosity, eight residents from the Portage adult rehabilitation program at Lac Écho had the opportunity to attend the play Moi, dans les ruines...


Sandie, programme adolescents, Saint-Malachie, 2023

I knew I was in an awful state. I could barely recognize myself.

I started using so I wouldn't have to feel anything anymore. Unfortunately, all it did was make matters worse. I endured some unimaginable experiences: aggression, violence, heavy substance use. I...

Substance Use Treatment Techniques

Our clinical counsellors play a vital role in our residents' therapeutic journey. They are pillars of support for our residents as they progress through their therapy. Inspired by the expertise...

The more I used, the more I resented everyone on the planet

My life before Portage was chaos. I wasn't living, I was surviving. I experienced perinatal bereavement, but never really faced up to it. Then my father passed away and I...